
Our Next Adventure...San Diego Here We Come!

After spending the past month in endless discussions about an opportunity to move to San Diego, Andy and I both feel the energy and movement under our feet and have decided to jump at the adventure. It is not without heavy hearts however that we came to this decision as there are so many things we already miss about our life in the Northwest ... family, friends, foggy mornings and great coffee shops.  

We do feel this is the right time in our life to embark as a family on a new journey, and look forward to the opportunity to live in a new place. The unknown is scary and yet compelling...

In all of the chaotic planning and packing, Harrison continues to be an amazing help!

Packing the family
 Putting himself in a box

 Running away with Mom's packed hat

Gigi and Harrison taking a break
Mmmm...there is nothing like good take-out to complete the packing process...and it is especially delicious if put on one's head