

Christmas was a beautiful blur of family and friends, and we enjoyed just being home for the holiday.  Here are a few photos of our day...

"Brown paper packages tied up with string, these are a few of my favorite things..." 
Dad helping H open presents (and the last day of Harrison's amazing hockey hair)
Little super hero

Reading with Nana
Harrison's first haircut - only accomplished while fully asleep
Nana working her magic with Gramps' supervision
New man, new bike


Tree Hunting

We set out on a bright sun drenched day in search of the perfect Christmas tree. Sauvie's Island seemed like a wonderful place to spend our afternoon, and our search began and ended at a very small tree farm tucked back on the windy roads of the island. Thanks to Harrison's distinguishing eye, we walked away with a beautiful tree to ring in the holiday.

Soaking in the delicious smells of baby Nobel Firs

Hunting on foot

Hidden among the fir