You have now been on the Earth (and outside of the womb) for six months now. We have so much to celebrate and I so love getting to ring in our half birthdays together...can you believe your Mom is 32 years old? Thanks for making my birthday this year that much brighter!
Your body is continuing to grow and learn new ways of moving and communicating. Everything from your adorable feet, to your strong legs and the tufts of hair on your head are growing longer with each passing day and creating the perfect, kissable baby bundle.
You just started eating solid food, and you shake with excitement when you see a loaded spoon in front of your face.
...and you still manage to make the most hilarious of expressions with a mouth full of food.
This month has been a big transition for you with our life shifting to vacation mode in Bend. Perhaps due to this or the visions of snow bunnies dancing in your head, you have decided that waking up every two hours at night is a great idea. So while your parents are exhausted, you still wake up every morning with a huge toothless smile, making the delirious events of the night wash away.
You love being entertained by your silly brother, and have found quite an affinity for climbing trees with Dad.
Here is to another adventurous, enlightening, exhausting, blissfully perfect month together!
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